Sunday, July 16, 2006

Guitar Teacher - Welcome new students

Ricky has been busy this week, he is teaching a few new students, if you want to learn Guitar or just refresh your skill, feel free to call him at (604) 272-7929.
Ricky's students are from 10 years old to 50 years old, some are beginner, some are playing in the praising team in the church. Summer is the good time to put your kids to learn Guitar, playing music is the way to express your feeling, it's a way to keep them busy and learn a new skill,they can just stay home and not going outside(stay away from trouble) or just watching TV and staying with the computer all day! Being a parent we want our kids to be good and guiding them step by step in their life, that's how we show the love to them, to care for their future.

"Ricky and Henry" are coming up soon, they are both very good in Jazz tunes, they are looking for places to share their music with the public, if you own a restaurant/Pub and would like some Jazz mood for the customers, please call Ricky at the above number. Jazz is the kind of music everyone would appreciate, the musician must have certain standard in the music field, normally people loves Jazz, they love to enjoy life....., that's my kind of idea.

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